Adding a New Fee

Use the Fees screen to add an additional fee (e.g., Environmental Handling Fee) to PAYD Pro PlusTM. Once you add a new fee, you can assign it to products in the PAYD Pro Plus inventory. For help on assigning fees to products, see Adding a New Product and Entering Additional Product Information.

NOTE: You can also add new fees through an inventory import. For more help, see Importing Inventory.

To display the Fees screen:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Inventory.

  1. On the Inventory menu, under the Pricing section, click Fees.

The Fees screen displays a clickable list of fees set up in PAYD Pro Plus.


To add a new fee:

  1. At the top of the screen, click the New Fee button.

A blank Fees screen appears.

  1. Under the General Info section, enter an English name for the fee type (required). A French name is optional.

  2. In the Notes textbox, enter notes for the fee as required (optional).

  3. Under the Fee section, complete the fields as follows:

EXAMPLE: To set a fee at 3.25% of the product price, select the % radio button and enter 3.25. To set a flat fee of $10.00, select the $ radio button and enter 10.00.

  1. Under Applicable Tax, select the radio button beside the applicable tax type for the fee. If the fee is tax-exempt, select Tax Exempted.

NOTE: Tax settings may be overridden for a particular sale at the time the sale is transacted.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Repeat steps 1 - 6 as needed to add more fees.


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