A customer can create a profile for themselves on the ecommerce website, and have that profile be saved into the PAYD Pro Plus customer database at your store.
After the customer has arrived at your ecommerce website, they can follow these steps to create their profile.
At the Sign in or register popup, click Register.
The Create an account screen appears.
Fill out the First Name, Last Name, Email, and Password fields.
If the customer wishes to receive information on promotions, place a checkmark into the I want to receive information on promotions checkbox. If they do not wish to receive emails from your business, leave the box unchecked.
Click the Save button.
Please keep in mind the following:
● If your customer already has a customer profile in your PAYD Pro Plus customer database, and that profile includes an email address, they will receive a message that their email address is already used. The customer will need to do one of the following:
o create a new profile with a different email address (as described above).
o reset their ecommerce password.
· When you are creating a customer profile in PAYD Administration, it is possible to pre-register the customer for your ecommerce website. This creates an ecommerce password that the customer can use to sign in to your website. Note that this feature is not available when creating a client profile in the PAYD Pro Plus Mobile App, nor is it available when adding a customer from within the POS view.
· If you end up with duplicate client profiles, it is possible to merge the duplicate profiles together.
Signing In to the Ecommerce Website