Voiding a Payout

You can void a payout using the Transactions Search screen, which is accessed from the Tools button panel on the POS view.

NOTE: If you are operating  the PAYD Pro PlusTM in a multi-lane environment, you can search for payouts from any POS regardless of the POS on which they were transacted.

To find the payout transaction:

  1. On the POS view, click the Tools tab.

  1. On the Tools button panel, click the Transactions button.

The Transaction Search screen appears.

  1. In the Search textbox, enter the payout's ID or date (YYYY/MM/DD) and click the Search button ().  For more help, see Searching Transactions.

A list of matching payouts appears.

  1. Void the payout as shown below.


To void a payout:

  1. On the Transaction Search screen, click the payout's Void button.

NOTE: If a payout does not have a Void button, it cannot be voided.

  1. When prompted, click Yes.

A popup appears confirming that the payout has been voided successfully.

  1. Click OK to close the popup.

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