Outgoing Inventory Transfers

Use the Inventory Transfers screen to create an outgoing inventory transfer. This will enable your store location to send stock to another store location.

To display the Inventory Transfers screen:

  1. On the PAYD Administration main screen, click Inventory.

  2. On the Inventory menu, under the Inventory section, click Inventory Transfer.
    The screen displays a list of incoming and outgoing inventory transfers on your PAYD Pro PlusTM system.


To begin the new outgoing inventory transfer:

  1. Click the button in the top right corner of the Inventory Transfers screen.
    The Inventory Transfers screen appears.

  1. Accept the default name the system gives to the transfer in the Name field, or erase the default and enter your own name for the transfer.

  2. Click the Destination Store drop-down menu and select the store that will receive the stock you are sending.

  3. If applicable, enter any notes about the transfer into the Notes field or leave it blank.

  4. Click the Add button at the top of the screen.
    A popup appears.

  5. Enter the supplier's UPC, product ID or product name into the search field and click the Search icon ().
    HINT: To search all items in a list, leave the field blank and click the Search icon ().

  6. Click the Add icon () beside the product.

  7. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as necessary to populate the transfer with items being sent to the other store.

  8. When finished, click the Close button at the bottom of the popup.
    The New Inventory Transfer screen reappears and is populated by the selected items.


To add more items to the transfer:


To adjust the quantities of items being sent:

NOTE: The default quantity to transfer is 1. The number entered must be higher than 0 and cannot be a negative number (e.g. -5).


To enter notes about the individual items on transfer:


To save the transfer:

NOTE: Saving the transfer as a draft enables you to come back to it at a later point and edit the contents before sending the transfer.


To remove items added to the transfer:


To send the transfer to the other store:

  1. Click the Transfer button.
    A confirmation popup appears.

  2. Click the Ok button to send the transfer.
    Click the Cancel button to return to the Inventory transfers view without sending.

  3. The Inventory Transfers screen reappears. Your on-hand inventory is decremented based on the quantity of each item on the transfer that was sent.

NOTE: Be sure that the outgoing transfer is correct before sending (e.g. the transfer is populated by the correct items in the proper quantities). Once a transfer has been committed by clicking Transfer, it cannot be edited nor undone. If you need to change something, change it before clicking Transfer.

Related Topics:

Managing Inventory Transfers

Inventory Transfers - Guidelines and Tips

Incoming Inventory Transfers