Editing Product Profiles

Once a product has been created and saved, you are able to edit its profile at any point.

  1. On the Sale screen, tap Inventory at the bottom of the right pane. .

  2. Search for the product you wish to edit.

  3. Once you locate the product you wish to edit, slide the product from right to left to reveal the ellipsis button (Three white dots on a teal button.).

  1. Tap the pencil button.

The right pane populates with the product's details.

  1. Tap Edit at the top right corner of the right pane.


  1. Make any changes as necessary.

  2. Tap Done at the top of the right pane.

  3. Tap <Back at the top of the right pane.

  4. Repeat steps 2 – 8 to edit other products as necessary.


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