Current Cash Totals Report

The Current Cash Totals report shows current cash totals on the iPad in use by tender type. The report is used to review cash totals anytime throughout the day prior to Cash-Out by reconciling report results with the results of a cash register (drawer) count.

Accessing the Current Cash Totals Report

  1. On the Sale screen, tap the Settings button (A white gear icon on a teal button.).

  2. On the main menu, tap Reports.

The list of reports appear on the right pane.

  1. Tap Current Cash Totals.

The report results appear in the right pane.


The Current Cash Totals Summary Report

By default, the Current Cash Totals Summary report displays on the screen. See below for an explanation of the fields.

Sales Summary

       Number of Transactions - The number of transactions being accounted for in the till.

       Gross Sales - The gross dollar amount of sales being accounted for in the till.

       Less Discounts - Any discounts applied to sales being accounted for in the till.

       Less Refunds - The dollar amount of any refunds processed to cash or cheque.

       Net Sales - The amount of Gross Sales less any discounts or refunds.

       Tax - Taxes collected on sales being accounted for in the till.

       Total - The value of net sales plus tax.

       Tips - Any tips given out in cash to staff.

       Cash Rounding - The value of cash rounding (up or down).

       Gift Card Activations - The value of gift card activations paid by cash or cheque.

Tender Summary

       Cash - The total amount of cash used as payment.

       Cash USD - The total amount of US cash used as payment.

       Cheque - The total amount of cheques used as payment.

       Credit Card - The total amount of all credit cards used as payment.

       Debit Card - The total amount of all debit cards used as payment.

       Gift Card Redemption - The total amount of all gift cards redeemed.

       Store Credit - The total amount of all store credit used as payment.

       Total Received - The total amount of all payment types received.

       Outstanding Receivable - The difference between the Total amount (from the Sales Summary section above) and the Total Received amount.  

       Total - Total of Total Received minus Outstanding Receivable.  

Cash Drawer

       Opening Balance - The total amount of cash counted during the Cash In process.

       Cash Received on Purchases - Total amount of cash collected on transactions processed on this iPad (cash paid less change given).

       Cash Received on Gift Card Activations - Total amount of cash collected on gift card activations processed on this iPad  (cash paid less change given).

       Cash Paid on Refunds - Total amount of cash given back on refunds processed on this iPad.

       Total Cash Received - Total of Cash Received on Purchases, Cash Received on Gift Card Activations minus Cash Paid on Refunds.

       Cheques Received - Total amount of cheques collected on transactions processed on this iPad within the date range.

       Total Cash and Cheques Received - Total of Total Cash Received and Cheques Received.

       Gross Cash Drawer - Total of Total Cash Received and Cheques Received.

       Payout - Amount of cash that came out of the till as a result of a payout.*

       Cashback - The amount of cash given out when a customer pays with a debit or credit card and receives cash back.*

*NOTE: This transaction type is not available within the PAYD Pro Plus App.

       Current Balance (Expected) - The total of Gross Cash Drawer minus Payout minus Cashback.


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