Viewing Product Details

View product summary information in the Product Search Results screen. View product details in its profile and the Product ID Details popup.

NOTE: You can view a history of inventory changes using the Inventory Change Log (see To view a history of inventory changes).


Viewing Product Summary Information

To display the list of products defined in your inventory:

The Product Search Results screen appears.


Product Category Panel

The Category button at the top of the Product Search Results screen contains a panel that lists your inventory's top-level product categories, with the number of assigned Product IDs shown in parentheses. Click the Category button to see the panel.

To access a category's sub-categories:


To navigate through the category hierarchy:


To display the products under a product category/sub-category:


Product List

Products (i.e., Product Names) and product variations (i.e., Product IDs) under the selected category/sub-category appear in a list below the product category panel. The list has the following columns and is sorted in ascending order by Product Name:


To search the product list:


To change the list's sort order:


To page through the list:

To print the list:


Viewing Product Details

View product name details in the product's profile. View Product ID details in the Product ID Details popup.

To view Product Name Details:

NOTE: To edit Product Name details, see Adding a New Product and Entering Additional Product Information.

Details for the product appear in the Product Details view in the following tabs:

TIP: Click a Product ID to display its details in the Product ID Details popup (see To view Product ID details below).


To view Product ID details:

NOTE: To edit Product ID details, see Editing the Default Product ID.

Details of the Product ID appear in the Product ID Details popup in the following tabs:

NOTE: A retail price and a cost price may be set up for all of a product's Product IDs. However, these prices may be overridden at the Product ID level by entering price information specific to a Product ID (see Editing the Default Product ID, Adding Other Product IDs and Editing Product Details).


To view a history of inventory changes:

NOTE: For detailed information about the Inventory Change Log, see Inventory Change Log.


To close the Product ID Details popup and return to the Product Details view:


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